The Avasol Blog

Diving into Coral Reef Education with UCSB Marine Research Divers
We interviewed divers at UCSB's Ocean Recoveries Lab to get a deep dive (pun intended) into coral reef education - from the work that these divers do on Mo'orea, French Polynesia, to what "reef-safe" even means, to how Avasol makes a real difference. We hope that this article educates, inspires and empowers you to take small but meaningful steps to conserve one our most valuable and endangered ecosystems.
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Product Profile: What is Barrier Cream?
Get to know our new product, Avasol’s Barrier Cream! Say goodbye to synthetic products like body glide and Neosporin, and say hello to the all in one solution: Barrier Cream. Click to learn about the origins of this life-changing product, the multi-purpose uses, and the true botanical ingredients that make it so powerful
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A Science-Based Guide to Skin Cancer Prevention
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. With over 5 million cases diagnosed in the United States each year, skin cancer is America’s most common cancer. Luckily, it's also one of the most preventable. At Avasol, we provide a safe and effective mineral sunscreen for you to protect and enrich your skin. Our ingredients are specially formulated with antioxidants to fortify your skin's natural protection against the sun.
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Earth Mother's Giveaway

In search of something special for Mother's Day? We've put together a collection of gifts to celebrate your Mother AND our Mother Earth. From Avasol beach and skincare essentials, to Bahgsu Jewels beautiful bling, to Marissa Quinn prints inspired by mamas in our natural world, enter to see if this trio is destined for your Mother!

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Environmental Stewardship Across Cultures and Communities
In honor of Earth day, we caught up with ethnobotanist @flowerblossomboogy to discuss the cross-cultural differences she’s observed in her research regarding human relationships with the environment. Swipe to learn about different cultures’ concepts for human-nature oneness, societal stewardship, and duty to...
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