The Avasol Blog

Avasol Story Spotlight: Cuban Surfers
You might know that Cuba has some epic surf, but did you know that Cuba doesn't have any surf shops? This may not seem like an issue for your average nomadic surfer who comes to the island equipped to-the-nines, but for locals, the lack of equipment access makes surfing a treacherous endeavor. 
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Partnership Spotlight: One People One Reef

One People One Reef is a nonprofit that bridges Micronesian Coastal Communities with scientists to involve them in coral reef conservation. Check out our interview with Chamonix Toledo, OPOR's youth action program coordinator to learn more about their mission!

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Partnership Spotlight: Vamos Youth

We interviewed Pierl-Karl Sanscriter, a lifeguard and swim instructor for Vamos Youth. Vamos Youth is a water-safety teaching program for kids in Costa Rica who don’t have access to swimming lessons and basic water safety skills. Every year, Vamos Youth teaches more than 500 kids how to swim and survive in heavy currents in the ocean.

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The History of Sunscreen
Ever wonder how your reef-safe sunscreen stick came to be? Turns out, sunscreen has existed for centuries, but modern sunscreen was only introduced in the past century. This article takes you back in time to tell the story of sunscreen from 3100BC to today.
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