Partnership Spotlight: One People One Reef

Earlier this summer, the amazing team at One People One Reef reached out to us to collaborate. We graciously accepted the offer to support their Youth Action Program. Read on to discover more about this groundbreaking nonprofit and the meaningful work that they are doing.
Words by Chamonix Toledo, OPOR’s Youth Action Program Coordinator:
“One People One Reef is a collaboration between Micronesian coastal communities & scientists who develop inclusive, adaptive, & sustainable conservation solutions to protect the health & resilience of critical coral reefs marine habitat & the people who rely on them for food security.
Our revolutionary approach to adaptive marine conservation supports community leadership & traditional ecological knowledge & management systems with modern science. We envision resilient reefs & healthy communities for current and future generations.

The One People One Reef Youth Action Program is a two-week program which engages youth in coral reef science, conservation, and community projects. Students gain an appreciation for the importance of both scientific methods & traditional coral reef management.
This summer, One People One Reef was able to fly youth from the outer islands of Micronesia to Kona, Hawaii to participate in a summer exchange program with students from California. Students were able to participate in traditional Micronesian cultural events as well as get hands-on scientific field experience working in coral reefs.

When we're spending hours in the water working on collecting coral reef data, performing fish transects, and discussing sustainability & traditional management on the beach, we need to be protected from the sun! Because so much of our work is done in or around reef ecosystems, we have to be careful about what we use and what will end up in our waters. Avasol is awesome because it stays on all day, it doesn't leave a zink-ey white-cast, and we know it's safe for the ocean we're working so hard to protect. There are so many sunscreen companies out there, yet Avasol stands out to us as a representation of our mission: sustainability, inclusivity, and a constant devotion to the ocean.
My favorite tip for Avasol is to buy two shades, one lighter and one darker, and mix them to make your perfect skin tone! I always bring two sticks with me so I can adjust my Avasol shade to my current tan :)

Our students and youth loved using Avasol this summer as a safe way to protect their skin and look cool doing it. Everyone was stoked to know that we had reef-safe sunscreen available, so much so that our youth from Micronesia brought some home to share with their families in Ulithi! We're so excited to continue to share Avasol with the remote islands of Micronesia so that people have ocean-safe and healthy options to protect their skin.”

Thank you Chamonix for reaching out, and your beautiful words. Thank you OPOR for creating these life-changing opportunities and empowering youth environmentalists! We are honored to help further their mission and it’s been a pleasure working with their team. Looking forward to continuing to collaborate on future projects with them!
Click here to visit their website and here to donate!
With sunshine and stoke,
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